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Showing posts from October, 2013

Shaping the Shapeless... Part 1

Office talk makes no sense, most of the time.... its just a method to pass the time, while in the office. Nothing out of the ordinary like any other Monday till the word "SHAPELESS" popped up. The definition- "is when one looks from the front, back left or right and IT ALL LOOKS THE SAME . No Difference!!! " Quoted Mr B this led to an intriguing thought, are there shapes out there that are unidentified? Are there new shapes to discover, just as there are new planets passing through the universe like its some day trip? we all familiar with the common shapes and sizes.... be it tall, short, petite or average OR Hourglass, pear, apple or stick figure But is there more... are there more shapes and proportions to be named.... I think so! We do our tuiswerk and look into the demographics and market areas to see what shapes actually exist in our new age, modernised generation.... to be cont.....

The pristine .....

2012 might have went it to the record books for marking the end of the world.... lies...lies...lies... but.... to find us still here, breathing and living and experiencing the flavours of life..... This inspired me to put an end to my self inflicted disease of Procrastination... I began my own empire that depicts me in every aspect, M!ss Wiss... is sharing a lil piece of me with every client I work with.....   The Pristine....     is my new venture to share with you my views, trends and tips on all things glamorous and fashionable from hair to toes....   So keep an eye, be all ears and follow me... as.... I'll be updating you on all.....