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Showing posts from November, 2013

Kardashian Beauty Launch....

Kardashian Beauty Launch So as promised .... The postmortem of the launch, with pictures. I was given the opportunity to work as a make-up artist for the launch weekend of the Kardashian Beauty products. The hype that was created before the actual launch was completely insane, people were super pumped up for the day.     The launch took place 22-11-2013 in the Sandton Branch of Stuttafords, the turn out was amazing, there were people of all walks, bloggers, press, celebraties and the shoppers. All where super eager to test and try out the range that  was available to us in South Africa.   Chiano Sky, Lucy  Musk and Monica Rodrigues   Jen Sui and Lucy Musk Delicious Golden Cupcakes Lucy Musk and Monica Rodrigues Jen Sui and Mr SA 2013 Product stands  Work Stations Product Display Well.... I personally would like to say that it was an honour to be apart of the launch and to m...

Madame Zingara.....

Madame Zingara Making Magic Happen ...   The legacy of Madame Zingara dates back to 2001, when she first opened her doors and won over the hearts of the Mother City as a whimsical restaurant in Loop Street. This enchanting bohemian eatery became an immediate success with its warm and welcoming dining experience, decadently fused with the wild spirit of the gypsy. And so in 2007 the Theatre of Dreams was born, a travelling dinner cirque extravaganza housed in one of the last remaining antique mirror tents in the world. Touring to full houses in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban for almost two years, this irrepressible crew gave a whole new meaning to the term "dinner theatre".  At the end of 2008 Madame Zingara left South African shores and headed to London to share her magic.  And now...... Drum roll.....  Madame Zingara returns exclusively to clicks. with a large range of beauty products that can bedazzle and beguile....

Mirror Mirror on the wall...

Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all? We have become dependant on mirrors / shop windows/ review mirrors or anything that reflects......  WHY? you ask.... because..... our style always reflects our mood and tells actually what’s our state of mind. Sometimes when you wake up in the morning and open your closet and start to choose what you are going to wear your choice tells a lot about your feelings, and that’s called fashion therapy . Something I love personally, It's my type of yoga.   I'm sure you must be thinking ,what!  Fashion therapy , does it mean healing by fashion , but of course it’s not healing by fashion, fashion therapy means  that your style tells a lot of secrets about your mood and your feelings at this moment.   For example good moods revolt in your choice of clothes seems to be more colourful and bright, you going to sparkle and stole the eyes, and vice versa when you are in a bad moo...

Kardashian Beauty Launch

The count down begins..... Just two days left till the Kardashian Beauty Products named KARDASHIAN BEAUTY  launches in South Africa. They will be launching at selected Stuttafords stores around the country. We finally get to test and play with the long awaited products we have been watching over the internet. We get to create our own famous Kardashian  looks, here are some looks to follow.... Keep tuned to the the post-mortem of the launch xoxoxo M!ss Wiss...

Cover it with Lipstick

How many times have we felt like the ship is about to sink.... How many times have we tried to run away.... How many times have we tried to give up and hide under a rock... How many times have we had weight planted on our shoulders... You come to a point when its all tumbling down, and nothing seems right ... I put my hand in my make-up case, and cover with lipstick... Lipstick gives me the strength to stand up and pull through.... I face the world with a new light..... But how many shades will it take for it to be noticed... I put my hand in my make-up case and cover with lipstick..... Till someone notices im stronger and I'm getting it right with my shade..... Covering it in lipstick!!! xoxoxo M!ss Wiss...

MId-Month maddness

We all have a time where the crazy normal strikes...  And for most of us it's Smack, Baam, dead center Mid-month.....  Oh!  how we dread the rut of the madness and looking like a headless chicken on the city roads. We strive to achieve big, complete our goals, set new heights for ourselves and reach our deadlines.... but are we fast forwarding our clocks by giving in to all the over time with the time we don't have to spare???? Well... I think its time to rewind the clock and make the time count for all its worth. it' s time to unwind and slow that rat race down, before we end up getting way ahead of ourselves.... in the wrong direction .... I'd like to take time to thank all those you read my random thoughts and random views..... xoxoxo..... M!ss Wiss....

Shaping the Shapeless... Part 2

Looking into the shapes of females, it struck me like lightening , that, males have shapes, proportions and sizes too... Females also have preferences as to what they prefer and desire.... but, they more accepting and compromising when they choose male shapes. Females generally choose an aspect or feature of attraction and they tend to let instinct guide them, rather than the shape, proportions and sizes. Well... this leads to the conclusion.... One should be shapeless... flow like water... .  In short no matter your shape, size or proportion, one should wear it with confidence not scandalize .... This will give your shapeless shape a shape-full personality and character.... Be it from the front, back, left or right you will have shape....  So flow like water...