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Showing posts from July, 2018

An update on havoc, or maybe not... PART 1

OMG, This was typed out and I forgot to post it. So, as promised I would give an update on my new take on life for 2018. One month down the line and I have no words to associate with this way of life. It had strong points, weak points and points of pure surprise. Being un-ruled by uniformity and time limits, self given freedom, made days go by with such bliss. I would go to work and eat at odd times, do work in my own time and realized I worked better working at my own pace with no background harping from management behind me. How did I get management to back off my case, I didn't do it intentionally, it was a random out burst of frustration. I was handed a project to handle with a 2 day tight time frame, and, me going through a phase of rebellious change was not going to keep to this time frame, unless I truly wanted to, which at that point I didn't want to. I had brainstormed ideas and methods of completion of the work and choosing the quickest way forward. It was ...