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Showing posts from September, 2018

Justine Tissue Oil Review 4 week round up

 I was chosen by Rubybox to part take in the Justine tissue oil 4 week challenge, after completing a survey and submitting a picture of my sports and DIY scars on my legs. They were the one thing that put me off from wearing shorts and skirts as an adult, as they were dark and made me feel so conscious at all times.  Before I would see ladies in the work place and in mall embrace their scars of war, but I just couldn't. I couldn't be one of those ladies who wore her best dress without feeling odd about the scars on my legs. I would either try and cover them up with foundation and pressed powder or I'd wait for overcast and winter days to wear stockings, to hide them.  After 2 weeks of using the tissue oil twice a day on the scared area, I have noticed drastic lightening of the marks. I have now decided to get tissue oil for the face, to help lighten the pigmentation marks and acne scars.  BEFORE It is non-greasy and easy to use. the smell is invi...

Ever Beauty

I personally have never heard of  Ever Beauty® South Africa  , till I had come across the advert on Instagram. As a beauty and makeup addict, I was eager to see what the brand had to offer and if it was something to get excited about.  The brand was looking for brand ambassadors and MUA's to try out their products.  This is what the founder has to say about the brand:  "Ever Beauty® South Africa offers affordable, quality & professional makeup formulated to compliment the diverse range of skin tones across Southern Africa.The Ever Beauty® brand is all about using makeup as a platform to embrace peoples’ unique differences as well as inspire everyone to embark on the Ever Beauty® journey of capturing, owning and proudly embracing their own beauty." I had browsed their site and their products before signing up for their MUA starter kit, not looking at their pricing, because, at that point I wasn't interested in purchasing. I received an email re...