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It’s important to change your make-up look and everyday products or colours with the changing seasons (as you know we have four a year) to more beautifully blends that stand out in our naturally changing environment and also to best meet the needs of your changing skin. This summer I personally feel inspired to focus on my skin. 

The make-up look I’m going for is a very natural, honey/olive toned flawless skin finish with minimum use of coral/rose tones. I hate putting on several products like foundation, primers, concealers, powders or even moisturisers (on a hot summers day) as I feel like my skin can’t breathe and it's flooded with products. So for me to look even toned and smooth, I have to take care of my natural skin. I’m aiming for a healthy, evenly pigmented, naturally bright and slightly bronzed skin tone. And I know this doesn’t come easy! (I got my work cut out for me) #sigh#

I have planned a few things to achieve this look and hopefully some of you can benefit from it too. Before I get into the methods, I’ll describe my skin type a bit and if you have a similar skin, it might be beneficial for you too. Also, if your skin is very different, I caution you to patch test or consult your dermatologist. 

My skin is normal to oily and a bit sensitive around the cheek area. I don’t have any acne but I would get pimples here especially if my eating habits change and there once or twice a month. My major concern is that sometimes my skin get irritated due to dust or because I don’t take much care of it and it will get spots (perhaps pigmentation) that don’t easily fade away. Here’s my plan:

1. Daily use of SPF, cleansing and moisturiser:


You may not realise how important these basic steps are and yes I am way too lazy to put a sunscreen or moisturiser on despite having a sensitive and combination skin. I wash my face twice a day and that’s about it for cleaning. I really like the results of a milk-based cleanser to clear pores.  Dry skin cleansers contain a variety of emollient ingredients to preserve and add moisture to your skin without feeling too heavy or clogging pores especially during summer when the excessive heat makes your skin produce more oil.

2. Exfoliate!


This is the key to a naturally radian skin. Chemical exfoliates such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid and citric acid are relatively better than physical exfoliants simply because they are less abrasive on the skin and the side-effects are generally more controlled. I also feel that they give a much thorough cleansing without irritating sensitive skin as is the case with physical beads. It will take off all the dead skin, clean pores and make the skin appear more radiant.

3. Ubtan – Herbal Mask


“Ubtan” is an Ayurvedic Facial Mask very frequently used in India, especially on brides, to make your skin soft, smooth and glowing. It mainly consists of chickpea flour, turmeric powder, rose water, almond paste, cashew paste and pistachio paste and some other ingredients like wheat germ oil (the recipe varies depending on where you get it from). The key is that it world in making your skin look brighter. It’s traditionally used to make you look fairer however I feel that it helps more in evening out the pigmentation. It works best when applied daily. The granular texture of it can also act as an exfoliant.

4. Milk & Yogurt


Milk is known to be Cleopatra’s secret to beautiful and it’s true that it works. Especially sour milk mainly due to lactic acid. It is great to peel off dead surface of skin and brighten your complexion. Similarly, yogurt is great for skin due to the active cultures (probiotics) in it. It diminishes pore size, improves the overall texture of the skin making it feel smooth and radiant.

5. Avoid touching, scratching and rubbing


This is a huge cause of skin irritation, redness or breakouts. AND ITS MY BIGGEST WEAKNESS.... Ughh I have to touch, poke, prick and eventually scratch, leaving my skin with scars and further redness.  This is extremely bad as it transfers bacteria through direct contact. I also aim to ensure regular cleaning of pillow cases and prevent rubbing of comforter on my face as it could build up bacteria through oils transferred from my skin and hair on to the pillow covers.
Now I am sure I can’t do all of it every day and neither am I going to religiously follow these tips but at least I’ll try. I think we humans are more motivated than what we give ourselves credit for.... lol.

 I’ll let you know how this turn out for me and good luck to you too. 

P.S. Feel free to post up comments and updates on your summer happy skin....

M!ss Wiss
